We have over twenty years’ experience offering therapy services to children and young people with disabilities. Our professional team includes over 40 highly trained and experienced therapists, and our facilities are fitted out with modern equipment.
After the initial consultation with our therapists, and once you have told us about your expectations and needs, we design a therapy treatment plan that best suits your needs. We then follow through the treatment plan during your stay with us. The components of the treatment offered include:
physiotherapy/kinesiotherapy – our therapists are qualified in various rehabilitation methods, such as NDT, BOBATH, PNF, VOJTA, MEDEK, and others; therapeutic horse riding; educational/occupational therapy; speech and language therapy; chiropractic; hand therapy; neuro-kinesiology; dog-therapy; cranio-sacral therapy; massage; hydrotherapy; physiotherapy; music therapy; active wheelchair; gel compresses; sensory room; sensory integration; salt room; Innowalk Pro; isometric muscle relaxation; zootherapy; exercises with EVRO equipment; exercises in the orthotic suit DUNAG2; V. Sherborne method.