You can register for our rehabilitation programmes by submitting the form below
or by calling +48 67 263 20 02, Monday to Friday 8.00-15.00, or by emailing
We take reservations for the following year from the start of the previous year.
If you are eligible for PFRON or other funding, please present the relevant documents at the beginning of your stay.
Payments must reach us before the start of treatment. You can make payment by cash or card at our office, or make a bank transfer to:
SBL ZAKRZEWO ODDZ ZLOTOW 15 8944 0003 0000 1455 2000 0010
At the time of booking, we will need a deposit of PLN 500 paid by bank transfer or postal order at least 60 days before the start date of the treatment programme.
Note that all summer rehabilitation places have to be confirmed by 31 March and deposit paid by this date.
To confirm or to cancel your place, please call our office at +48 67 263 20 02